Sunday, March 14, 2010

School uniform.To be or not to be.

Khranovskaya Diana is writing

It is not a secret, that the problem of a school uniform is discussed in every school. The majority of schoolchildren have negative attitude to wearing a uniform.
“-” Pupils do not want to lose their individuality, to hide it behind frameworks of a strict school uniform. Besides, some school uniforms are very formal looking and may take a lot of looking after. Skirts or formal pants are not good for doing sport or running around at lunchtime or recess. School uniforms are rarely fashionable. You can get fed up of wearing the same old things every day. You get into trouble if you don't wear uniform.
“+” But there are also good things about school uniform. You don't have to worry about what to wear on a school day. You know that everyone else will be wearing school uniform. You can save your 'good' stuff for nights and weekends. You can sell or buy second-hand uniform at the school. It promotes equality because everyone has to wear the same.
The majority of Russians 64 % consider that it is necessary to wear a special form of clothes at schools. The opposite point of view is shared by only 31 %. More often women are for the introduction of a school uniform - 77 %. 43 % of the interrogated are sure that the state decision on introduction of a school uniform at all schools of Russia should be accepted.
15 % of people think that it is a head of school or regional authorities (13 %) should decide to wear or not to wear a uniform. Only 12 % of the interrogated consider that parents should make a decision on, whether their child will learn in a school uniform.
What is your point of view?


=Sandra= said...

I believe that we do not need school uniforms. Let me explain why. First of all, each person is a personality, and secondly the person has the right to express himself. And the introduction of the uniform denies it. Besides wearing a school uniform, you experience some discomfort.

Lestat said...

I do not like the standard uniforms, because it is boring and not beautiful. I think that a man expresses his individuality in clothes too. and if they all wear the same clothes, then what kind of personality they are?
I like Japanese school uniform, because it is very nice. In summer girls wear t-shirts and vests with bow in plaid skirts, socks and beautiful shoes and in winter - jackets, blouses with a tie. A Japanese school uniform has a distinctive feature - blue stripes on the collar. This style is called "Sailor fuku".
This form would make pupils happy and never bored.

[mous] said...

School uniform is not bad. Yes, it is not very comfortable, but it is normal. I don't wear a uniform. I'm not fond of it. There is no school uniform in our school. It's nice.

=PANTERA= said...

I think that school uniform is an integral part of school life. It disciplines pupils. As for me, I try not to forget ab out dress-code and in a strict style, but sometimes I put on jeans or a topic. I consider that in schools there should be not a uniform but a dress-code.

Оля said...

I am not for wearing school uniform. I think, that people in school uniform are similar to others.
They lose their individuality. School uniform doesn’t look fashionable, besides it is sometimes uncomfortable.

Hankey:) said...

I do not wear school uniform.School uniform is not comfortable,but it makes good impression.To wear the uniform is necessary in certain days.School uniform is very good.

Makaveli said...

In spite of the fact that school uniform is inconvenient, it decorates people. The person in a suit is always more attractive, than the person in shorts and a sweater. Wearing a school uniform or what or another you underline the delicacy and erudition.

Anonymous said...

As for me,I`m not against school uniform. in my opinion it is beautiful and formal, but uncomfortable. Jackets stifle movement. I do not think that the uniform prevents pupils to express individuality. As for me I don't want to wear a uniform to school, because it is uncomfortable.

ElChupacabra said...

I think that school uniform is very beatiful and it has a lot of pluses: it makes all pupils be stylish, it disciplines them. But i don't wear school uniform, because it is always uncomfortable and it is very impractical to wear school uniform every day.

Vika14 said...

I think I look pretty and elegant in the uniform.With uniforms students are equal in the eyes of the teathcers and of each other.It is very impotant for the childrens whose parents can't afford buying fashionablу trendy clothers for every day.