Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Way out?

Kolomiitseva Irina is writing...

"Nowadays to be young is not easy. Every day teenagers face lots of problems: pressure at school, misunderstanding and indifference at home, possible conflicts in the friends’ company and so on. There are teens that get upset or depressed when they can’t find a solution to their problems. As a result, they start thinking that the only way out is to stop living and commit suicide. Unfortunately, the statistics gives the increase of such cases. I’ve made up my mind to create a questionnaire and interview two categories of people: the young and the grown-up in order to learn their attitude to suicides. Here are the results.
Teenagers from 14 to 18. Fortunately, 93% of them are sure that they will never commit suicide. But 7% think that they can do it. From them: 100% - because of love, 51% - because of parents, 9% - because of friends, 2% - because of being poor, 1% - because of school and teachers. 10% of the interviewed know people who tried to commit suicide but they do  nothing to help. 86% of the asked people don’t want to spend time on those who tried to stop living. They think it’s a waste of time and only 24% believe that they must communicate with such people in order to help. 9% of those who worked with my paper think that committing suicide because of this or that reason IS NORMAL.
As for grown- up people they are all sure that nothing can make them stop living because 100% of them love their families, 100% - love life (though only 37% of them believe life is wonderful) and 100% of people with life experience never doubt that every problem has a solution.
And what is your point of view?"


Лиля said...

There have been many philosophical arguments made that contend that suicide is immoral and unethical. One popular argument is that many of the reasons for committing suicide – such as depression, emotional pain, or economic hardship – are transitory and can be ameliorated by therapy and through making changes to some aspects of one's life. A common adage in the discourse surrounding suicide prevention sums up this view: "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem." However, the argument against this is that while emotional pain may seem transitory to most people, and in many cases it is, in other cases it may be extremely difficult or even impossible to resolve, even through counseling or lifestyle change, depending upon the severity of the affliction and the person's ability to cope with their pain. Examples of this are incurable disease or severe, lifelong mental illness.
As to me, I consider that each problem has a decision. I try not to be upset from for heaps of small problems, to find in a life other pleasures, to be able to relax. I try to rely on myself in a life.

†Raven† said...

Suicide is a serious problem. Unfortunatly, it is typical of teenagers. I think that main reason is a smal attention from parents. Adults go to work every day and they come home in the evening. They do it automatically. Often they forget asking "How do you do?" they think that their children are already adults or that teenager's life is very easy and careless. But it is not right! Teenagers need understanding and attention very much.

SaнчеZ said...

Suicide in our time happens very often. I think that suicide is unnecessary act. People commit it because of leness. I think people must not stop living by suicide ever in a hopeless situation. They must search for other exit from the problems.

Shine♥ said...

Certainly today the teenager`s life is very difficult and I feel it on myself.Every day stresses,tears,shouts.All it is bad,but I would not dare at suicides.I love life.I think,that it is necessary to communicate with people,who thinking of suicide. We must help them!

kyrt said...

Suicide in our time is very common.In our country one person every day enol his life with the help of suicide.For our country suicide is a problem.i think,that young people musn't do it.God gives us life and we must live our lifes full of hardships or pleasure.

ElChupacabra said...

I just don't understand people committing suicide. They are crazy and sick! And we must help them.
Yes, modern life isn't easy. But young people must know, that every problem has a solution. At first, you should talk about your problem with your parents, i think, that they always can help.

=PANTERA= said...

Unfortunately,there are a lot of suicides.I know people which wanted to commit suicide.They cut veins and ate dangerous pills.Fortunately,they have survived.I never would commit suicide.I see look for solutions every problem.Besides,suicide is a big sin.

Hankey:) said...

I think it is necessary to help such people.It is necessary to show them all pleasures of life.Some people do not wish to support such teenagers.It is very big mistake.

mentoss said...

I write an usual thing "Suicide is a serious problem". Everybody knows it but really " Why does this problem exist?" I think that is not a solution of youngster's problems.Person who doesn't love himself, his parents,who lose belief in people, IN LIFE. "Life is Life" it is words of famous song and we can live it only once! Life is the beginning but death is the end of love, friendship,communication, just usual shopping...

Makaveli said...

I think, that suicide is a very bad way to escape from your problems. There are many other ways to do it. You can get a consultation with a psychologist and he(she) can help you to overcome your problems. It is unnormal to end your life commiting suicide. My opinion about peole who think about suicide that such persons have soul and psychological deviation... And if I am wrong, prove me it...

[mous] said...

I will never finish my life by suicide. I don't even want to think about it. From this article I have learned that many people are indifferend to such of their life. In my opinion it's terrible and inadmissible. It's necessary to fight for survival of such people even though sometimes it has no sense.

Ася said...

Suicide - a serious problem presently. Many teenagers think of it. I think, it occurs because of problems. Problems at school, with friends and so on. Many parents do not notice it. And nobody tries to help the person.

Оля said...

Yes, I think, that nowadays to be young is not easy. I face everyday lots of problems, too. I have pressure at school, possible conflicts in the friend’s company. Bun I do not start thinking of committ’s suicide. I am sure, that I will never commit suicide. And I’ll never commit suicide because of love, parents and problems at school. I love my life. And I believe that life is wonderful. I doubt that every problem has a solution. I communicate with such people, that help me.

Anonymous said...

I think,to be quiet in our time is very hard.Some people think about suicide.As for me,a can not commit suicide,because it is silly.In school i do not have serious problem,because of whitch,i could stop living.And my friends do not think about suicide,because they love me and love life.HEY people,life is wonderful and bright!!

Lestat said...

I think that human life belongs not only to person. Friends, relatives, parents need him. His withdrawal from life will hurt these people. I think that there is no one reason to commit suicide, except for an incurable disease that kills people. Teens tend to exaggerate problems. I think that a bad score at school, one-side love and misunderstanding of the parents are the causes of suicide.
Although, frankly speaking, sometimes I want to kill all evil. But I will never do it because life is precious to me. All difficulties can be overcome only by force of will.
I think that should not give up and go forward solving the problems.

Anonymous said...

As we know, suicide is the worst sin. People must not kill themselves, because when they commit suicide, they just don't think about feelings of their frends and relatives... It very hurts...