Monday, September 13, 2010

Continental and English People in love

If a continental youth wants to declare his love to a girl, he kneels down, tells her that she is the sweetest, the most charming and ravishing person in the world, that she has something in her, something peculiar and individual which only a few hundred thousand other women have and that he would be unable to live one more minute without her. Often, to give a little more emphasis to this statement, he shoots himself on the spot. This is a normal, week-day declaration of love in the more temperamental continental countries.
In England the boy pats his adored one on the back and says softly: "I don't object to you, you know."
If he is quite mad with passion, he may add: "I rather fancy you, in fact."
If he wants to marry a girl, he says: "I say... would you?"
If he wants to make an indecent proposal: "I say... what about..."
(by George Mikes, from “How to Be an Allen")

It’s evident different people even of the same nationality arrange their dating process differently. What are your dating customs?


Sternly said...

I`m not date nowadays. And it`s trouble for me to remember about past relationships because i don`t want. But i can say a little about my viewing of advanced relationships.
My view:
Young people of our time forget how to love for real. The minority of them can carry about their pair. Modern relationships is the usual waste of time without feelings and emotions. And i declare, that only ten people from hundreds are able to real love and feelings.

Оля said...

I think, that english boys are strange :) But teens from each country have own dating customs. I will have steady boyfriend. As for me, my dating in future will not very structured. Dating rules will not firmly estabiled. I will not need my parents permission. Sometimes I will observe curfews. I will not accompanied by parents. My boyfriend will meet with my parents and talk with them for little while. Dutch treat dating will acceptable in our couple. Hand holding and light kissing will common in public. We will go to parties together.

Hankey:) said...

My dating was not very structured.The dating rules were not firmly established.
I started going on dates in high school.I went with my girlfriend in the cinema and cafes.
I was paying for a date, but sometimes we were paid with.In the modern world is not such a love that was before.I think that only half of the couples love each other truly.

ElChupacabra said...

Sometimes my parents try to choose a date for me, but they are not successful. When I go dating, I never go to pick up my date at her home because our city is too big. When I have a date, I often invite my sweetheart to the cinema or to my favorite cafe. As for me, dating is not very expensive. I often try to pay for both of us, but sometimes my sweethear and I share our expenses. Hand holding and light kissing in public is common. But sometimes anything more than light kissing can be approved of in public. I always try to spen as much of my spare time as possible, but I always try to observe curfews.
As for me, I never go dating with people whom I don't love.

Enjoy English said...

Maria A. is writing...
"I can call boy and ask for date.
But I do not declare my love to a boy.
I can tell him that he is the sweetest, the most charming and ravishing person in the world.
I began dating in junior high school.
I generally date people of my age.
Date does not always turn out well.
I do not worry.
The dating rules are not firmly established in our time.
I can get away from the meeting.
I can choose dates.
My parents do not do it.
As for me, dating is casual."

=Sandra= said...

The my dating rules were not firmly established. I did not need my parents permission. I was not even chaperoned. We usually left for a movie and snack. The boy paid for me. Sometimes I called boy and asked for dates. I had independence in all aspects of dating. We went roller-skating together. We usually went to the theatre to parties. We went on dates with more than one person.

Anonymous said...

My parents does not choose a date for me. They always know with whom I go on date.I generally date boys
four or five years older then I am. I go to the cinema, dances, cafe and parties with my boyfriend.
I am able to real love and feelings. But I do not met such person which understands and loves me.Nowadays many couples go on dates for entertainment and pleasure.

Enjoy English said...
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