Friday, February 26, 2010

Changing footwear at school

Alex Gints is writing...

It is evident that our health depends on our behavior. Certainly there are rules and obligations which we should follow to be healthy. And one of them is changing foot-wear at school. Every pupil knows that the second pair of shoes at school is a necessity. It controls the health of the school community. Just look at the picture and you can see the number of infections you bring to school every day.But, unfortunately, the pupils’ attitude to this obligation is different and very often negative.
I have conducted a research and asked 30 persons. In the interrogation I have seen a lot of contradictions. Everyone understands that absence of replaceable footwear harmfully influences on our appearance and even health, but a lot of the interrogated refuse to carry it.
60% of the questioned think that such footwear is not connected with our health care.
76% of pupils carry it not to spoil relations with teachers.
90% of the children think that it should be taken to school only in wet weather.
And only 56% of kids always carry and change footwear at school.
And what about you?


ElChupacabra said...

I just don't understand pupils, which don't take second pair of shoes to school. Is it too difficult to change shoes? It takes not so much time and at the same time don't harms your health and don't spoils your relations with teachers. As for me, i wear second pair of shoes every day.

Anonymous said...

Every day I take my shoes to school. I care about my health. I also want school to be clean. I do not like dirty offices. I think that everybody does not like to breathe dirty air, but for some reasons they do not wear clean shoes to school.

Makaveli said...

I dislike it, because it is not comfortable for me to bring superfluous bag to school, because my school far from my house.

Оля said...

As for me – I am for changing foot wear. I always take it in school. It is necessary, because our health depends on it. There are many infections that influence on our health. Besides, changing footwear be lets our classrooms clean. Everyone is happy to stay in a clean classroom.

=Sandra= said...

I think we must wear it at school. If not, you can become seriously ill. For example - an inflammation of the lungs. Those people who do not do it is very stupid, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I wear second pair of shoes every day, but sometimes i forget to take it, and when i don't change my shoes, i feel very uncomfortable.

[mous] said...

I don't have a problem with changing footwear. I always clean my shoeses. I always take my footwear to school.

=PANTERA= said...

I think that changing footwear is connected with out health care. Sometimes I carry it not to spoil relations and teachers. But I think that it is not necessary to bring such footwear in dry weather. But we should bring it to respect the work of our cleaners.

Lestat said...

I believe that the change of footwear is needed. enjoyable to learn in a clean school. change of footwear is the main rule of hygiene. so we can maintain our health. We must bring change of footwear, because it is not only respect for others, but also to themselves.