Thursday, October 29, 2009

About superstitions

Do you believe in superstitions? Do the quiz and you will see how superstitious you are. 

  1. Do you believe it is unlucky to walk under a ladder?
  2. When you tell someone about something that you hope is going to happen, do you ever touch wood or cross your fingers, or do you feel a strong urge to do so?
  3. Are you the slightest bit bothered by the number 13?
  4. Have you got a lucky number?
  5. Do you read your horoscope regularly?
  6. Have you ever consulted a fortune teller, palmist, etc?
  7. Have you ever thrown a coin into a wishing well?
  8. Have you ever made a decision after consulting a deck of cards, playing patience, etc?
  9. Is there a particular day of the week which is lucky or unlucky for you?
  10. Have you ever changed your plans because of a dream?
  11. Have you any kind of talisman or lucky object?
  12. Do you believe in any other superstitious customs of your own country?
  13.  Now check your score:   For every no: 0   For every yes: 2   For every doubtful answer: 1

We will post the analysis later. Wait a bit. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What makes you happy

      A Chinese philosopher Ching Chow said: “Happiness is the place between too little and too much. ”  Of course, different people need different things to be happy. Falling in love, getting mail, having the best time,  an unexpected present can make one category of people happy, while others feel fantastic making the winning score, seeing a falling star, hitting the lottery or solving a serious problem. Even simple pleasures such as decorating a Christmas tree, eating pizza or singing and dancing never leave many people indifferent. And what about pupils and teachers? What are the things which can make them happy?

       Here is a sketch of a happy pupil. A really happy student has no homework, and if he has it, he doesn’t do it, as it is done by his friends. He has a magic pen which decides what to write and certainly writes everything instead of him. By all means he has a hat which makes him invisible and hides him from hunting and ruthless teachers’ looks in order to call him to the blackboard. A happy pupil has absolute freedom at the lesson, learns nothing but has excellent marks. He never worries about his school-leaving certificate because his parents are influential and rich people and they can buy everything for their child.

       And of course I can’t but draw a sketch of a happy teacher. She comes to work pleased, enthusiastic. Her mood is fantastic, because she is understood at work and at home. She is by all means well-paid so she can afford her everything she wants, not only very expensive perfume but even a villa in the Pacific Ocean. Her pupils are obedient, quiet, eager to study, and happy to see their teacher every day, because they respect her. If I were the president of our country I would do everything possible to make teachers’ lives full of value, because they are people who deserve happiness.

And what makes you happy?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Way out?

Kolomiitseva Irina is writing...

"Nowadays to be young is not easy. Every day teenagers face lots of problems: pressure at school, misunderstanding and indifference at home, possible conflicts in the friends’ company and so on. There are teens that get upset or depressed when they can’t find a solution to their problems. As a result, they start thinking that the only way out is to stop living and commit suicide. Unfortunately, the statistics gives the increase of such cases. I’ve made up my mind to create a questionnaire and interview two categories of people: the young and the grown-up in order to learn their attitude to suicides. Here are the results.
Teenagers from 14 to 18. Fortunately, 93% of them are sure that they will never commit suicide. But 7% think that they can do it. From them: 100% - because of love, 51% - because of parents, 9% - because of friends, 2% - because of being poor, 1% - because of school and teachers. 10% of the interviewed know people who tried to commit suicide but they do  nothing to help. 86% of the asked people don’t want to spend time on those who tried to stop living. They think it’s a waste of time and only 24% believe that they must communicate with such people in order to help. 9% of those who worked with my paper think that committing suicide because of this or that reason IS NORMAL.
As for grown- up people they are all sure that nothing can make them stop living because 100% of them love their families, 100% - love life (though only 37% of them believe life is wonderful) and 100% of people with life experience never doubt that every problem has a solution.
And what is your point of view?"