Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Go in for sports

 Buchenkov Dima is writing... 

"I believe it's important to think about your health when you are young because this is the age when your body is formed so if you don't care about your health, you are likely to have different diseases when you get older. Besides, the earlier you acquire good health habits, the better, because modern life is not easy. Its tempo, everyday stresses, pressures, environmental problems,  hypo dynamic  lifestyle produce lots of difficulties to overcome which you need to be strong physically and spiritually and  understand that good health is above all.
In my opinion, we should go in for sports for these reasons, as sport helps us to stay in good shape, to keep fit and to be healthy. It makes people strong, fast and agile. What is more, sport builds our character.  It teaches us to win and to lose as well as to overcome difficulties. It goes without saying that sport makes us more organized and better disciplined in our daily activities. Besides, it's a good way to spend your free time and to make new friends.   
Do you agree with me?"


Лиля said...

Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people. Many people do morning exercises, jog in the morning, train them selfs in clubs and different sections. Other people like sport too; they only watch sports game on TV and listen the sports news.Sport helps people to keep in good health. If you go in for sports you dont catch cold. Children and grown-ups must take care of they health and do morning exercises regularly. There are some popular kinds of sport in our country: football, volleyball, hockey, gymnastics, skiing and other. Athletic is one of the most popular kinds of sport. It includes running, jamming and others. My favorite sport is swimming. I go to the swimming pool twice a week. I prefer to rest by the lake or river and swim there.

†Raven† said...

I am never interested in skateboarding and other kind of extrem sport. i think that it is dangerous. People who prefer this kind of sport must be courageous,crazy and careless. They aren't afraid of being free from fear,danger,may be negative consiquences.

SaнчеZ said...

I prefer sport. To my mind it is the best way which can be chosen in the life. Sport does people stronger both morally and physically. People go in for sports to attain successes and feel that is felt by the real sportsmen. As for me, I prefer sport. I am engaged in swimming of dostachno a long ago and persistently enough. Swimming helps me to be by itself. It one of those types of sport which is most useful. I consider that must go in for sports each! And do you agree with me?

Илья Алеевский said...

i think that heath is very important in life for all people. But now some people smoke, drink alcohol, take drugs.

Hankey:) said...

I agree with my friend.Without sports it is difficult be real personality.It would seem to me that without sports life is boring.For me sport is very important part of my life.Sports improve my health.I think that all people should go in for sports.

mentoss said...

To my mind, sport(not professional)helps us in our life. Firstly,it organizes you and your day.Secondly, you keep fit and feel strength in your body.It makes you feel to be sure in yourself and your abilities.Thirdly, your are healthy. And it is the most important thing. Without health we can't use possibilities of life. Sport gives us positive emotions.YOU SMILE,LAUGH and you are HAPPY!!!

Makaveli said...

OK, you are right. Sport is an important part of our life. People who go in for sports look better and more beautiful. Sport helps us to prove our real quality... Fortunately, there are more kinds of sports where people can try themselves. It is very good and just to the time, because in modern life it is impossible to be fit, young, beautiful and healthy without some exercices. I think that sport is very good way to spend your free time and get positive charge...

Joker said...

I consider that sports is a life. Sports this movement. Withoat sports life on our ground is impossible. For example I go to swimming pool. Employment help me to support the physical form. Besides I like to swim and I with pleasure go on employment. Unfortunately in our country few people love an active way of life.

[mous] said...

Yes. Sport is impotant. I feel great at lesson of physical education,participate in sport competitions and races. I think exactly due to my physical development my organism faces difficulty of everyday life easily.

КАТЮШКА said...

I love sports and respect sporty people.Everybody needs a bit to go in for sports.Unfortunately i do not go in for sports,it would be very desirable but...

Snegovik said...

Sport should be in every heart. Sport today is a small part of life. But I think that sport is veviving, because now there are many different kinds or sports.

maxiMUM said...

Sport is very good for life. It is popular. Sport is very good for health... Many people do exercises. Many people watch TV sport programs. I like sport. I play footboll! And I go to sweam! Health is sport!

Anonymous said...

I like to go in for sports. But now I do not have time on it. I like to run, play basketball, volleyball very much. Sports improve health a figure. Now I watch TV and I am happy to see victories of our sportsmen.

Настюшка) said...

I completely agree with you. Sport in our life have huge value. Sport form personality. Sport make the person vigorous and cheerful. Therefore it is necessary to be engaged in sport.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the statement. Because sports makes us more or organized and the best disciplined in our daily actions. besides it is a good way to spend our free time and to find new friends. Sports helps us to remain in a good condition to keep the shape and to be healthy. To my mind should go in for sports.