Sunday, January 24, 2010

What is hot

Levina Marina and Schetinina Maria are writing... 
What is hot?
The word «fashion» means manner, way, style, shape, custom, habit. It is the way of  doing something, that is usual or popular at a certain time. Every fashion goes through three stages: at first it is different; it may be new and exciting, shocking and surprising. Then it becomes popular and the original idea is initiated. Finally it becomes boring and out of date as new fashion starts.
  Fortunately, nowadays it is fashionable to travel abroad. It is trendy to be fit. It is up-to-date to be a skilled employee. It is stylish to be cheerful, sociable, and hospitable. It is up to date to live in a cottage in the countryside. Nowadays it is stylish to have IP-phones, notebooks, computers. It is hot to speak many foreign languages.
Unfortunately, nowadays the classic literature has lost its value and it is fashionable to read detectives, horrors, fantasies, the so-called light literature. Russian cartoons are not so popular and it is hot to see foreign cartoons, despite the fact that they have no sense very often. Nowadays it is trendy to see horror films and situational comedies, to be a fan of vampires.  It is trendy to eat fast food which, by the way, is not healthy. Nowadays it is fashionable to play computer games. It is stylish to have the latest model of a mobile telephone and be proud of it but not everybody can  afford it.
          Fashion is always changing and on the move. Follow it but think it over before you choose fashionable things.   
Hot things in our class.
 It`s up-to-date to get only good marks at the lesson.  It is hot to play jokes at a person who has his birthday.  It`s fashionable to be active in everything.  It`s trendy to be the best class at school.
What is trendy in your company?


ElChupacabra said...

Actually, i hate fashion.
Fashion is the ting that makes people look, think, move, act absolutely equally!
Of course, every person should have its own style. I think, that style makes people to express their identities.

Оля said...

I my company it is fashionable to be kind, honest, hospitable, to speak foreign languages. People in my company think, that is not so important having IP-phones, notebooks. In my company it is up-to-date to have good marks and read books. My friends are funs of vampires, but I am not. Unfortunately, for many people the classic literature has lost its value. People in my company prefer the so-called light literature, horrors and fantasies. But I don’t agree with them. For me classic literature is of great value.

=Sandra= said...

Fashion means image, style, form, custom, habit. This is a way to do what is usual or popular at certain times. It is fashionable to wear stylish clothes, listen to music, watch popular movies, read books by foreign writers. In my company it is accepted.
I especially want to present the subject of foreign books and films. Maybe I agree with the fact that today young are fond of vampires, fiction, and everything connected with it. But, I do not think it has some influence on our psyche. Yes ... maybe there are such people .... But very few of them ...

Anonymous said...

I like fashion. I try to follow it.
But I'm not trying to imitate anyone. I have my style.
in my company it's hot to be successful. in my company it is not fashionable to be rude, uncultured.
in general, I do not think fashion should make a man, but a man should make fashion.

Makaveli said...

Fashion is very bad. The people who in fashion, turn to herd.
I hate it...

Anonymous said...

I think, that people must know that fashion and style are different things. I don't think that fashion is good, but i don't hate it. But every person must have own style. Style makes you a personality!

[mous] said...

I don't dress in a very fashonionable way. My clothers are stillish. I watch programmes about fashion and fashoinable trends.

Hankey:) said...

I do not try to follow fashion.I have my own style.It helps me to express my individuality.Fashion conquers the world.Like what you like,but not what says fashion.

=PANTERA= said...

I am sure that I am a fashionable person. But many tendencies are silly. People read detectives and fantasies, but it is not a good product. Not everybody can afford stylish mobile telephone or notebook. Fashion is connected with behavior.

Lestat said...

Fashion is changeable and often not predictable. So do not blindly follow fashion. Have an interest in fashion and new trends, but do not become its slave. It’s important to have your own style, to emphasize their individuality.
I don’t watch the fashion which relates to clothes and music. But I learn fashion of technology, electronics, what is fashion able from movies and soon. In my company it is in fashion to read many books, watch films and anime, to share experience, opinions on the read and watched, listen to J-music and try to sing these song.
It is fashion to invent, compose, arrange party with competitions, to entertain ourselves and others. Fashion is to be yourself.