Do you believe in superstitions? Do the quiz and you will see how superstitious you are.
- Do you believe it is unlucky to walk under a ladder?
- When you tell someone about something that you hope is going to happen, do you ever touch wood or cross your fingers, or do you feel a strong urge to do so?
- Are you the slightest bit bothered by the number 13?
- Have you got a lucky number?
- Do you read your horoscope regularly?
- Have you ever consulted a fortune teller, palmist, etc?
- Have you ever thrown a coin into a wishing well?
- Have you ever made a decision after consulting a deck of cards, playing patience, etc?
- Is there a particular day of the week which is lucky or unlucky for you?
- Have you ever changed your plans because of a dream?
- Have you any kind of talisman or lucky object?
- Do you believe in any other superstitious customs of your own country?
- Now check your score: For every no: 0 For every yes: 2 For every doubtful answer: 1

I belive in all suprstitions.And i always bothered,when i see blac cat or the number 13.As for me my favorite and lacky number is 7.But i never belive that is unlucky to walk under a ladder.In our house we hasn't got a ladder,and i think that this superstition exist only for Englishmans.And what about you?
I am a very practical person and perhaps in a profession where facts and figures are more important than hunches and inspirations. I do not believe it in superstition . I think it is stupid to believe in them.
i don't believe in superstitions. I think, that people can create their hopes themselves. I agree with anonimous, it is really stupid to believe in superstitions.
I don`t believe in superstitions because i think that it very very silly...
I think, that some superstitions are true. I faced with superstitions a lot of time, and some of them were true.
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