Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Совсем недавно на страницах нашего блога мы обсуждали фестиваль социальной рекламы "Держа в руках часы и календарь, я в будущее втянут как Россия..", который проходил в рамках недели иностранных языков. Этот проект был представлен на VI Открытом городском конкурсе проектно-исследовательских работ школьников и получил диплом III степени. (всего 69 проектов)
Поздравляем авторов: Абашина А., Аввакумову Е., Агапова Р., Безручко Е., Жеглова Е., Есенину А., Кротенко К.,Климанову О., Кузнецова Н.,Чешаева М. с победой! Молодцы! Команда этого проекта благодарит всех, кто своими комментариями поддержал это мероприятие как имеющее большую социальную значимость.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Having a party

Makhlyaeva Dasha is writing...

Parties are about celebrating, socializing with others and having fun! We celebrate milestones in life like birthdays, weddings, passing exams, graduating from school, college or university with our families or friends. Being part of a group of people who are all celebrating the same thing is a good feeling. Going to a party is exciting. You feel good to be included. You look forward to yummy food, talking and playing with others and having fun. Everyone has their own special friends so if everyone in the class seems to be going to a party and you're not invited then don't feel too bad. Kids often go to the same parties because they have been to parties of the people in that group. It's a sort of 'pay back'. Often kids get invited to parties because their parents are friends. Maybe you could have a party when it's your birthday and then you can choose who you would like to invite.
Parties don't have to be big and expensive. Maybe you could have a joint party with another friend to cut down the cost. Having a group of friends to a pizza making party is a lot of fun, everyone has a good time cooking and then eating, and making your own is nowhere near as expensive as buying things. Some children have food allergies so you might have to be careful about the foods you choose to have (you might need to avoid peanuts for example) if any of your friends have food allergies.
Fruit cordial is a lot less expensive than soft drinks and there are some really interesting flavours around. Some kids may not be able to drink red cordials so have a choice of flavours. Parties should be all about celebrating with friends or families. So keep it simple, then everyone is able to enjoy the celebration.
Don't forget to say thank you to mum, dad or whoever helped to give you and your friends a great party.

What do you think about parties and celebrating?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

About friendship

Kryuchenkova Tanya is writing

A friend is someone who shares your toys,
Shares your sadness
And shares your joys,
Someone to play with,
Someone who's there,
Whenever you need them,
When life is unfair.
Friendship is special
That's really true.
If you are a friend
Then you're special too.

When you meet someone, you don't know whether that person is going to become a good friend, so you have to be a bit careful..
Here are the results of the survey devoted to friendship.
All the asked have best friends,95% - have more than one friend,5% of people think friendship takes the first place in their life, 100% - think friendship is a life value, 95%of people support friends in difficult situations. Friends help to 89% people, 75% often argue, quarrel or do not agree with their friends. For 90% of people the opinion of a friend is important.100% think it is difficult to find a friend and keep friendship.

Friendship is like planting a seed that you've found. You are not quite sure what is going to come up so you have to watch it carefully and look after it. Follow rules how to make friends, keep friendship and be a good friend yourself.
How to keep friendship, how to be a good friend? Share your experience.